Disability Insurance - Sehajannat Financial Services Inc.

We all plan every day on how to spend the money we earn in different ways and in different areas, but sometimes we forget that some unavoidable breaks due to an injury or illness can hamper our savings and goals. These types of voids can be filled with a disability insurance coverage plan, which pretty much replaces your net income if you cannot go to work due to the above 2 reasons.

Employees in this country already take part in this mandatory coverage also known as Employment insurance, but there is a cap associated with these plans like time duration and maximum amounts. Our experienced team can make you understand the mechanism of this coverage and whether you just need a top or need a comprehensive coverage to protect your pay cheque, we can design the best plan to fit your custom needs.

The core of these plans is based on the type of job profile and coordination of benefits with other payers is a very important component of its functionality. In the end no car can run without fuel and income is the fuel for our lifestyle, so we need to make sure that we always have enough coverage to protect it.

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